Sunday, 3 January 2010

Hi did you miss me? Happy New Year to all. Sorry I've been so rubbish but there have been reasons:
-I was sulking about the muddle at Copenhagen and couldn't find anything positive to say
-I've been poorly. A bronchial infection, yes thanks, a lot better.
-I was unbelievably behind with Christmas
-it's been freezing cold.

well, I know that isn't an excuse but I live in the Derbyshire hills for heaven's sake, and when it does "cold" it really does "cold".

We've been sledging today in glorious sunshine on the hill behind. We met a couple on the path as we went with our sledge and the dog and they looked at us to see where the children were..they probably thought we were crackpots..two 50 somethings plus dog and sledge. Ah well, ne'er mind. I've never had a very sophisticated image.

So, my new year thoughts on being an optimistic environmentalist?

It's hard. It's like being on a diet. You start off with great intentions but at the first hurdle, you fall. My presents were wrapped in paper that was thrown away, I bought too much food that was thrown away, I keep driving up to the shops instead of walking because it's freezing. So, I hereby promise to try to do better!

Have a wonderful 2010 and stay with me, please. It's nice to know people are reading this.

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