Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Isn't it easier to save money than to earn it at the moment?

I was talking to a friend at the weekend who travels from Worcestershire to Warrington to work and he's apparently the lucky one! There is one person in his office who travels from Doncaster every day and another who travels weekly from Exeter to Warrington.

I always had to travel to work and the stress of it was one reason why I gave up. That night on the M6 when I missed a lorry by one inch as I raced back to the studio for a deadline made me think very seriously about what I was doing. I had two children at home and they didn't care whether or not I was going to be the next Kate Adie.

But the recession has put us all under strain. We are all saying yes when we should say no.

So this morning, maybe we should all think how we can cut down on our consumption so that we need to earn less. Yep, that's a good idea. We are about to hear whether we have planning permission for an environmentally friendly house. If we do, it means we can cut down our bills on heating, water and electricity by conserving what we do use better.

To me, that seems a very good idea for an optimistic greenie who likes to wander home from work and look at the hills rather than the exhaust from the car in front. I know I'm lucky but this recession has hit me too. However, I am trying not to panic and to remember what is important to me. So, the cheap lentil bake is on the menu for tonight, I'm not replacing my old jeans and am constantly wandering around looking very smart in my one pair of black trousers and I am turning lights off with a vengeance. It's easier to save money than to earn it at the moment.

I heard this lovely maxim on Ray Mears's programme the other night:

Nature will provide for our needs, not our greeds.

I like that one.

Have a good Tuesday and keep your fingers crossed for the planning permission.

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