Well, I woke up this morning wracked with guilt. Last night, I cleared out the fridge and there were loads of very suspect half consumed jars of dodgy looking stuff. It was late and I was tired so I chickened out of getting a spoon and scooping all the mouldy contents into the bin and chucked the lot.
Oh, the pain, oh, the guilt, oh the horribleness of this all talk and no action person that assailed me this morning when I woke! So in my pjs, before I could change my mind, I gave in, got down and dirty in the bin and scooped them all out. Yuk! It was absolutely revolting..a gungy ( does that have an e?) mess that even the dog looked askance at. But I then rinsed the jars and put them out for recycling, feeling very smug and all in all, a much better person. You'll also be glad to know, I've put the pjs in the wash! You see, Al Gore was right, if we make being green a more spiritual thing, we'll all feel uplifted. I stop short of worshipping my recycling bin though. The Daily Mail this morning was saying we mustn't make being green into a religion following the case yesterday about the guy who was sacked for objecting to his boss getting someone to fly his phone over to the US http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-1225358/Daniel-Johnson-Damn-false-God-How-sanity-green-religion.html
What do you think about that one? Leave me a comment and let's have a debate
Here are a couple of chirpy bits of green news to cheer you up this morning:
http://www.edie.net/news/news_story.asp?src=nl&id=17209 : business could save more than £6.6bn by taking simple energy saving measures
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/8339647.stm feeling grumpy is good for you : I'm not telling Chicken Licken though. He doesn't need an excuse!
Have a wonderful day.
Remember : if you're feeling smug, ring your mother!
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You're right about recycling making you feel better. For years we just chucked all rubbish into the bin because I felt it would consume more energy/fuel to wash everything then drive it to the council recycling depot. Let the council come to me for my rubbish, I used to say. Then I heard others talk abut recycling and decided to give it a go, and found it is surprisingly easy once you are organised - and that's the key word I have had to learn. And the best bit - we are teaching our children to do their bit too. How smug does this new convert sound...
You're allowed to feel smug! It's part of the feel good factor of being a greenie without a hair shirt and part of the fun of being a convert is that you are twice as smug because you've seen the error of your ways!
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