Saturday, 14 November 2009

Wear blue if you can't go to the Climate Change march

Now I'm torn. On 5th Dec we have a farmers' market followed by a makers' market with wonderful artists using our outside stalls from the morning to have an evening event with mulled wine and roasted chestnuts. I'm involved with the organisation so I am really excited about a fab Wirksworth day with loads of events going on, but it's the Climate Change march in London and there's a coach going from the town. I'd love to be there to let these leaders know that we're not prepared to let them mess up the planet for political reasons, but I'll have to just wear blue which is apparently what we're all supposed to do to send a wave of feeling down if we can't go.

Chicken Licken has been in the stream that goes down out garden in his wellies, trying to measure how much water comes down. I know, strange man, but there is a reason for this.

We are planning to knock down most of this 1960s bungalow and make a nice little more environmentally friendly house instead. We're looking at harnassing the water power in our little stream but it's quite hard to find out info about hydro power. Anyone got any info they can give us?

Maxim for the day ( from yoga class this morning as I was trying to ignore the fact that I'd had two wines last night and was not in the right frame of mind to hang upside down): Harness the chattering that goes on in our heads and calm them into a focus. I like that one. The chattering's been really loud this week!

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