Thursday, 29 October 2009

Thursday: Discovered I can have a breakfast rant in peace on this site and no one can interrupt me! Read in Daily Mail this morning typical over the top reaction to Stern's suggestion we eat less meat. A couple of meatless meals a week isn't going to kill us for heaven's sake, it's not an attack on our traditional egg and bacon breakfast or Sunday roast thus our whole traditional way of life. And less red meat will undoubtedly save a few lives as well. Oh get a life and keep it in proportion! I love my roast lamb and bacon butties but I will think about the mid-week shepherd's pie.


Jonathan said...

Great blog. Sarah got me eating more vegetarian meals, including a fantastic butternut squash risotto with spinach and goat's cheese. It takes a bit of time to make but it's well worth it.

no green hair shirts here said...

Oh,just the person, how do I get followers? Much as I'm used to talking to myself, it would be nice to talk to someone! One of my friends wanted to reply to me but didn't know how. I obviously need a tutorial!